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Magnesite Ramming Mass
Magnesite Ramming Mass

Magnesite Ramming Mass

Description :
Magnesite Ramming Mass combines the advantages of the insulation plate and the coating material (spray coating),which has the characteristics of simple maintenance,long srvice life,easy disintegration,energy saving and consumption raduction;after the completion of the construction,it needs two hours of low temperature heating(200~300C)and can be put into use.In the process of using,slag resistance is excellent.Therefore,the slag clearance of work lining is very high and easy to disintegrate.

Description parameter

Magnesia Dry Vibrating Material
Part Number MgO(%) BD(g/cm³)      CCS (Mpa)
HX-85 ≥85 2.3 ≥20
HX-90 ≥90 2.35 ≥20
HX-92 ≥92 2.4 ≥20


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